Textbook Exchange Network
Data Analytics
TEN is a student-to-student textbook marketplace and web platform. We help students to buy and sell their textbooks in an effort to offset the high costs of college. My team crunches the numbers from our 6,000+ API exchanges to inform user decisions and help drive growth!

COVID-19 Data Visualization
COVID-19 movement & cases tracker with demographic data
Building a D3 Chloropleth Map to investigate how demographics and social distancing affect the rising number of cases over time by county.

Towards Data Science Article
Beyond the lyrics: the intersection of music and data visualization
Using Spotify API and Tableau to Perform Sentiment Analysis on Lyrics
Technical Skills
Coding Languages
■ Python
■ R
■ HTML, Javascript, & CSS
■ C/C++
■ MATLAB & Simulink
Software & Data
■ GitHub
■ Visual Studio Code
■ Jupyter Notebook
■ Tableau
■ D3 Javascript
■ Databricks
■ Snowflake
■ Pandas
■ Numpy
■ Keras
■ TensorFlow
■ Matplotlib
■ Sklearn
Domain Interests
■ Machine Learning
■ Data Visualization
■ Big Data
■ Sports Analytics
■ Natural Language Processing
■ Wearable Technology
Protoyping & Fabrication
■ Tinkercad
■ OnShape
■ Lasercutting
■ 3D Printing -
■ Adobe InDesign
■ Figma
■ Marvel
■ Sketch
■ Wordpress
■ Weebly
Get in touch
This life is about people. It's about seeing each other and offering a helping hand wherever possible. My door (or rather, inbox) is always open. If you would like to contact me or start a conversation for any reason whatsoever, please leave a message below.
sejaldua@gmail.com -
(503) 505-0595