Courses and Experience
A timeline through my academic career
Senior Spring
❖ Statistical Pattern Recognition
❖ Sports Analytics
❖ Data Science Capstone
❖ Teaching @ Tufts Ex College:
Data Science for Biotech
Senior Fall
❖ Intro to Cybersecurity
❖ Data Science for Sustainability
❖ Data Science Capstone
❖ Mech. Statics & Dynamics
❖ Hinduism
IBM Research
→ Engineered primary NLP classification model for IBM Drug Repurposing for Cancer pipeline by performing scientific document corpus filtering through heuristic rules and statistic modeling.
→ Infused domain expertise into Snorkel binary classifier and achieved 83% accuracy when applying the model on 127,000 unlabeled PubMed articles and a validation set of 1,400 labeled articles.
- Python
- Natural Language Processing
- Snorkel
- sklearn
- spaCy
Junior Spring
❖ Intro to Machine Learning
❖ Data Visualization
❖ Web Programming
❖ Linear Algebra
❖ School and Society
Junior Fall
❖ Artificial Neural Networks
❖ Big Data
❖ Artificial Intelligence
❖ Neuroimaging of the Disordered Brain
❖ Exercise Physiology
LEGO Education Engineering Lab (Tufts CEEO)
→ Developed software which enables bidirectional communication between a LEGO SPIKE Prime hub and various microprocessors.
→ Utilized image processing to implement a smile detection neural network demonstration for LEGO HQ creative executives.
→ Created an Augmented Reality (AR) environment for displaying and updating sensor values using Vuforia and Thingworx.
- Python
- MicroPython
- Thingworx
- Vuforia
- Wordpress
Sophomore Spring
❖ Machine Structure and Assembly Language
Human Computer Interaction
Medical Imaging
Probability and Stochastic Processes
Sophomore Fall
❖ Data Structures
❖ Biology: Cells and Organisms
❖ Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
❖ Discrete Mathematics
❖ Introduction to Drawing
❖ Ethics
Oregon Center for Aging and Technology
→ Facilitated and executed a research validation experiment designed to obtain gait speed data from an elderly cohort of participants with Alzheimer’s or dementia; engineered laser trip beams and 3D-printed sensor enclosures for passive infrared sensing virtual hallway.
→ Wrangled and visualized 20 years of passive infrared sensing data, investigating the gradual degradation of the circadian rhythm as a result of aging.
- Python
- PIR Sensing
- 3D Design & Printing
Freshman Spring
❖ Introduction to Computing in Engineering
❖ Physics: Mechanics
❖ Physics: Electromagnetism
❖ Chinese 4
Freshman Fall
❖ Nanobiotechnology
❖ Chemistry: Fundamentals
❖ Multivariable Calculus
❖ Chinese 3
Molecular MD
→ Organized and transcribed DNA sequences; mobilized specimen data onto an online platform for company studying genetic mutations in cancer patients.
Courses for Credit
❖ Multivariable Calculus
❖ Linear Algebra
❖ AP Physics: Mechanics
❖ AP Biology
❖ AP Language
❖ AP Literature
❖ AP Chinese